David F. Walker é roteirista de quadrinhos premiado, cineasta, jornalista e educador. Sua carreira de escrita começou nos anos 1990 com o zine autopublicado Bad Azz Mo Fo. Em 1997 ele produziu e dirigiu Macked, Hammered, Slaughtered and Shafted, um documentário longo sobre a história dos filmes blaxploitation. Walker é melhor conhecido pelo seu trabalho em quadrinhos e romances gráficos, que incluem The Life of Frederick Douglass (Ten Speed Press), a série Bitter Root (Image Comics) indicada ao Eisner e a série criticamente aclamada Naomi (DC Comics). Ele já escreveu para a Marvel Comics (Luke Cage, Occupy Avengers, Power Man and the Iron Fist, Nighthawk, Fury, Deadpoll), para a DC Comics (Cyborg, Young Justice), Dynamite Entertainment (Shaft) e Dark Horse (Number 13). Ele dá aulas durante parte do tempo na Universidade Estadual de Portland.
Marcus Kwame Anderson é ilustrador, pintor e professor. Muitos dos seus trabalhos exploram a beleza e a diversidade da diáspora africana. Ele se formou na State University of New York em Fredonia com um diploma em ilustração. Anderson é o co-criador da série de quadrinhos Snow Daze e já ilustrou histórias na série Cash and Carrie e de F.O.R.C.E da Action Lab. Ele ainda possui muitas histórias para contar.
Marcus Kwame Anderson é um ilustrador, pintor e professor. Muitos dos seus trabalhos exploram a beleza e a diversidade da diáspora africana. Ele se formou SUNY Fredonia com um diploma em ilustração. Anderson é o co-criador da série de quadrinhos Snow Daze e já ilustrou histórias na série Cash and Carrie e de F.O.R.C.E da Action Lab. Ele possui muitas histórias para contar.
12 Ebooki wg David F. Walker
Chuck Brown & David F. Walker: Bitter Root Vol. 1: Family Business
Once known as the greatest monster hunters of all time, the Sangerye family specialized in curing the souls of those infected by hate. But those days are fading. A terrible tragedy has claimed most o …
Chuck Brown & David F. Walker: Bitter Root. Bd. 1
Die Familie Sangerye betreibt ein Familienunternehmen der etwas anderen Art. Der etwas monströsen Art: Seit jeher sind die Sangeryes Monsterjäger, und zwar die Besten. Aber während um sie herum die H …
David F. Walker & Chuck Brown: Bitter Root. Band 2
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Eisner Award 2020 als beste neue Serie! Die Jinoo, monströse Kreaturen, die durch Hass und Rassismus entstehen, bekämpft die Familie Sangerye seit Generationen. Doch jetzt steht …
David F. Walker: Peritonitis: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
This book contains three chapters about peritonitis, which is an inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall and covering the abdominal organs. Chapter One presents classification of posto …
Chuck Brown & David F. Walker: Bitter Root Vol. 2: Rage & Redemption
Best New Series of 2019 Entertainment Weekly Monster-hunting has been the Sangerye family business for generations as they battle the jinoo Nhideous creatures born out of hate and racism. But now, th …
Chuck Brown & David F. Walker: Bitter Root Vol. 3: Legacy
The monster-hunting Sangerye family has faced terrifying challenges in their fight to protect humanity, and while they have suffered pain and loss, they have never been defeated. That is about to cha …
David F. Walker: Shaft: A Complicated Man
Who’s the black private dick that’s a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! (You’re damn right!) Created by author Ernest Tidyman and made famous in a series of novels and films, iconic hero Shaft …
Todd McFarlane: Gunslinger Spawn Volume 6
Gunslinger Spawn returns!The Gunslinger learns that a former enemy is still alive and is eager to find out more about his rivals activities. Removing another name from his list, not realizing that th …
David F. Walker: Planet der Affen, Band 1 – Niedergang der Menschheit
Eine neue Ära beginnt! Nach dem Ausbruch des ALZ-113-Virus ist die Menschheit am Boden. Ein Heilmittel ist noch nicht in Sicht. Und schon bald lernen die Affen die wahren Abgründe menschlicher Grausa …
David F. Walker: Planet der Affen, Band 1 – Niedergang der Menschheit
Eine neue Ära beginnt! Nach dem Ausbruch des ALZ-113-Virus ist die Menschheit am Boden. Ein Heilmittel ist noch nicht in Sicht. Und schon bald lernen die Affen die wahren Abgründe menschlicher Grausa …
David F. Walker & Chuck Brown: Bitter Root. Band 3
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Eisner Award 2020 als beste neue Serie! Ein großes Übel hat die Welt befallen, und die Sangeryes müssen sich eingestehen, dass sie nicht mal in der Lage sind, sich selbst davor …
David F. Walker: Victory
Victory arrived on the scene as Vampirella’s lover, and ended up a very powerful pawn of Vampi’s mother, Lilith. Along the way, she’s made new friends, seen countless horrors, and been saddled with a …