Theresa A. Gannon, DPhil, CPsychol, is Lecturer in Forensic
Psychology at the University of Kent, United Kingdom, and also
works in a practical setting, one day a week, at the Trevor Gibbens
Unit Forensic Psychiatry Services, Kent, UK. Her research interests
include the examination of cognition in child sexual abusers,
rapists and violent offenders using experimental techniques. She is
lead investigator on two funded projects investigating the
cognition of offenders. One is investigating the existence of
offence-supportive schema in women sexual abusers and the other is
the development of a pictorial cognitive test for adolescent
offenders. Theresa is also interested in public attitudes towards
offending populations and models of offender rehabilitation.
Tony Ward, Ph D, Dip Clin Psyc, is Director of the Clinical
Psychology Programme at Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand. His research interests include the offence process in
offenders, cognitive distortions and models of rehabilitation. He
has published over 200 research articles, chapters and books. These
include Remaking Relapse Prevention, with D. R Laws and S.
M. Hudson (Sage, 2000), Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for
Sexual Offenders, with W. L. Marshall, Y. A. Fernandez, and S.
M. Hudson (Plenum, 1998), and Theories of Sexual Offending,
with D. L. L. Polaschek and A. R. Beech (WIley, 2005).
Anthony R. Beech, Ph D, CPsychol, is a professor of
criminological psychology at the University of Birmingham in the
United Kingdom, and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Over the last 10 years he has been involved in treatment evaluation
and the development of systems to look at treatment need and
treatment change in sex offenders. He has written widely on these
topics and other related subjects.
Dawn Fisher, Ph D, is Head of Psychological Services at
Llanarth Court Psychiatric Hospital, Raglan, Wales and is a Senior
Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham. Her current
research interests are risk assessment, sexual offenders”
perspectives on treatment, treatment of adult and adolescent sexual
offenders and the use of equine assisted psychotherapy. She has
published widely in the area of sexual offending.
2 Ebooki wg Dawn Fisher
Theresa A. Gannon & Tony Ward: Aggressive Offenders’ Cognition
The book focuses specifically on aggressive offenders and is divided into two parts. Part I deals with sexual abusers whilst Part II is concerned with violent offenders. Each part discusses theory, l …
Dawn Fisher: Our American Flag
Our American Flag was written to inspire minds of all ages, to see the symbols of America, and to learn and understand why it is so important that every generation learns the details and meanings of …