Tubular Therapy is the story of one answered prayer, an unlikely friendship, and the surprising ministry of two zany women. This story of friendship is one crazy ride down the lazy river of life. These two women write of their lives of adventure, ups and downs, hilarity, and heartbreak that might just make you shake your head in disbelief. They dare to talk about what many keep safely hidden deep inside. Their story is not perfect; it is unpretentious and filled with promise. They celebrate the journey with joy because of their faith, friendship, and freedom. These barefoot authors are committed to floating through life Tubular Therapy style.
We float awhile and talk awhile we laugh awhile and cry awhile.
We will all experience Gods healing touch.
As iron sharpens iron, we will face our fears together, and when we get our tushies out of the tube, we will all go home better than we came!
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Many a well-meaning soul has described these authors as “Lucy and Ethel.” Denise—the accountant—is the red-headed, laugh-out-loud storyteller, and Debbie—the pastor’s wife—is the crazy sidekick who adds the “awe” to each and every story. Together they hope to make you laugh, cry, and laugh until you cry.