Books for Young and Early School-Aged Boys
This is the sixth in a series of children’s books, The Adventures of Jamaal and Gizmo. These books are aimed specifically at young and early school-aged boys. They are written based on the educational research into the factors that have been shown to play a role in increasing the probability that boys will develop an interest in reading at an early age.
Educational research has shown that the number one predictor that children will experience long-term success in school is the level of reading readiness that they already have when they begin school. The research also shows that young boys that have been provided with books that have specific characteristics are likely to have a higher level of reading readiness when they begin school. These characteristics are:
1. Books that have a male as the central character;
2. Books that the boys actually own, even if they cannot yet read them by themselves;
3. Books that contain action, adventure, and/or problem-solving by boys;
4. Books that portray the central character modeling behaviours such as reading, problem-solving, and searching for and applying knowledge;
5. Books in which the vocabulary allows them to be read to boys by their parents in their early years, and by the boys themselves once they begin to read foe themselves.
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Dr. James S. Brown has worked in education for more than fifty years. During that time, he engaged in research into the factors which play a role in increasing the probability that boys will develop an interest in reading at an early age. This book is written based on the information he learned through his extensive experience and research.
Illustrator Shari Campbell has been drawing since childhood, and continues to develop her artistic practice through the use of different mediums, including pencils, paints, markers, and digital art. She holds an Honours degree in both Fine Arts and Psychology, having graduated in 2016.