Every serious student of the Bible desires to understand the text, discover the biblical principles, and apply the truths to his or her life. This commentary is designed to help students, pastors, and Bible teachers understand Philippians and Titus in a simple manner. Working from the popular New International Version (NIV), the author provides helpful commentary on the text verse by verse.
This verse-by-verse commentary is different from others in two respects. First, it is brief while some commentaries are unnecessarily wordy and verbose. Second, it is Pentecostal in outlook. This implies that we generally adhere to the doctrine of biblical inerrancy and adopt a literalist approach to the interpretation of the Bible.
Philippians is a joyful, personal letter. It teaches that real unity and joy are possible only in Jesus Christ. Discover Pauls secret to finding joy in Christ.
Titus is one of the Pastoral Epistles. It deals with the need of godliness in the church, in the home, and in the world.
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Matthew N. O. Sadiku is a professor at Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas. Before joining Prairie View, he taught at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, and Temple University, Philadelphia. He is the author of over 220 professional articles and over forty books, including Secrets of Successful Marriages, How to Discover God’s Will for Your Life, and commentaries on Romans, Ephesians, and Galatians. His books are used worldwide, and some of them have been translated into French, Korean, Chinese, Italian, and Spanish. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].