Elizabeth van Heyningen is „n ere-navorsingsgenoot aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Sy is medeskrywer van Cape Town: The Making of a City (1998), Cape Town in the Twentieth Century (1999) en The Cape Doctor in the Nineteenth Century (2004). Haar jongste boek is The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War: A Social History (2013).
3 Ebooki wg Elizabeth van Heyningen
Helen Bradford & Zelda Rowan: Die oorlog kom huis toe
In die Anglo-Boereoorlog is die stryd nie net op die slagveld nie, maar ook tot op plaashuise se stoepe gevoer. Die aanhouding van vroue en kinders in konsentrasiekampe was deel van 'n totale of vols …
Helen Bradford & Zelda Rowan: The War at Home
During the Anglo-Boer War, the conflict between the British and the Boers spilled over from the battlefield to the farmsteads of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. The internment of women and c …
Elizabeth van Heyningen: Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War
This is the first general history of the concentration camps of the Anglo-Boer or South African War in over fifty years, and the first to use in depth the very rich and extensive official documents i …