A spiritual journey in nine countries of Fareast.
India, Nepal, Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia
Everything begins with questions; travels also The roadmap of the traveler who starts his spiritual journey is different, his questions are also
Mysterious attractiveness of spiritual way of living from Hindu ashrams to Buddhist monasteries, from Muslim dargahs to Christian churches
Legendary atmosphere of hippies ultimate destination, Kathmandu
Tears falling down in the cemetery of WW1 in a remote village of Northern Myanmar
Long river journeys in legendary Mekong River
Majestic Angkor Wat Temple and Killing Fields of Cambodia
Tragedy of longneck Karen women living in Northeastern Thailand
Unique piece of mind moments that loneliness and silence turns into a magnificent meditation in lovely Koh Phangan Island and mystical ceremonies in the Island of Gods, Bali
These are just some titles to give an idea about breath-taking manner of journey
Detailed information and impressive comments about all special places from UNESCO World Heritage List of nine countries of Fareast, interesting details about lifestyles, cultures, beliefs, rituals, geographical information and descriptions like a pastoral symphony of national parks, mountains, volcanoes, towns, cities, human stories from the journey and so many details for those who are waiting to be encouraged to be on the road
The guide of this breath-taking long journey is just dreams. Dreams draw the itinerary step by step. Dreams cross the realities, Physical journey combines with spiritual journey, and the mission is being completed. The journey attains its goal
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Dr. Faruk BUDAK is the first Turkish backpacker completing the famous “Cape to Cairo” road which means from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt, Middle East by land as a solo traveler and “role model” for most Turkish backpackers.
He was on a long journey lasting almost 15 months away from home in 22 countries of Asia and Africa including India, Nepal, Burma, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan and Syria in Asia and Africa as a backpacker.
He is leading some special tours to specific off-the-beaten-track destinations in Asia and Africa, mostly to indigenous tribes and African safaris, and writes for some Turkish monthly travel magazines.
He is also a retired army colonel having in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CE), Master of Science degree in CE and Ph D Degree in Industrial Engineering. He gave different engineering courses in graduate and postgraduate programs of state universities in 1990s and 2000s.
He is the owner of a project management consulting firm (FABE) and travel company (29 TRAVEL).
He currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey.
www.Faruk Budak.com