Autor: Fay Hadley

Elina Fonsén, Ph D, is Associate Professor at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.Raisa Ahtiainen, Ph D, is University Lecturer at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and Visiting Researcher at the Tallinn University, Estonia Kirsi-Marja Heikkinen, M.A., is Ph D-researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland.Lauri Heikonen, Ph D, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland.Prof. Dr. Petra Strehmel, is professor at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.Emanuel Tamir, Ph D, is a senior lecturer in educational administration and leadership program, campus of education, Tel-Hai College, Israel.

3 Ebooki wg Fay Hadley

Fay Hadley & Katrien Van Laere: Relationships with Families in Early Childhood Education and Care
Relationships with Families in Early Childhood Education and Care radically challenges the role assigned to parents in neoliberal discussions of early childhood education and care, and presents new w …
Fay Hadley & Katrien Van Laere: Relationships with Families in Early Childhood Education and Care
Relationships with Families in Early Childhood Education and Care radically challenges the role assigned to parents in neoliberal discussions of early childhood education and care, and presents new w …
Elina Fonsén & Raisa Ahtiainen: Early Childhood Education Leadership in Times of Crisis
Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat weltweit dramatische Auswirkungen auf sämtliche Aspekte des Berufs- und Alltagslebens, auch auf den Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung. Dieser Band beleuchtet …