Felix Bamirin is a pastor at heart and a passionate teacher of the word of God. He is a lover of Jesus Christ and his people. He is a passionate worshipper and psalmist with a primary calling to edify the body of Christ. He graduated from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, University of Ibadan in Nigeria, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. He is married to Esther Bamirin, his lovely and very supportive soul mate. They are blessed with two children, Charis and Chasiella. He is the founder and coordinator of SIGNET International, a ministry for the empowerment and development of youths toward a godly and responsible global citizenry and leadership. He also served as youth minister with African Evangelical Baptist Church, Grand Prairie, Texas. He is currently the pastor of Graceway Church in Austin, Texas, where he continues to grow in the strength and grace of the Lord as he raises disciples that raise disciples.
4 Ebooki wg Felix Bamirin
Felix Bamirin: Marriage On a Mission: Discovering the Power and Purpose of Marriage
Learn how to restore the passion your relationship needs to thrive again. Your marriage can continue to be a sweet experience when it is put in its right place and allowed to pursue its God-given pur …
Pastor Felix Bamirin: The Ultimate Treasure: Cultivating a Deep Seated and Ever Present Hunger for God
The system of the world is deliberately set up to make genuine life of faith and sincere love for God an extremely difficult or utterly impossible adventure. Learn how not to become a victim of the d …
Felix Bamirin: Forgiving Forward
This is a message to the forgiven who have obtained the mercy of the Lord and have found healing for their hearts from the guilt of sin. It is Gods love that made it so through the cross, and as we s …