Florent Gabarron-Garcia is a psychoanalyst, psychologist and doctor in psychopathology. He lectures at University Paris 8. After teaching philosophy in high school, he trained in institutional analysis at the La Borde clinic, later working in the psychiatric hospital and in the CMPP. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Chimères, founded by Deleuze and Guattari. He currently lives in France.
3 Ebooki wg Florent Gabarron-Garcia
Florent Gabarron-Garcia: Uma história da psicanálise popular
Não raro concebida como uma prática hermética e elitizada, confinada às quatro paredes do setting, a psicanálise é por vezes equiparada a todo um leque de terapias voltadas ao aumento do bem-estar in …
Florent Gabarron-Garcia: A People’s History of Psychoanalysis
It has been decades since Freud fell out of favour, not only in mainstream psychiatry but also in radical thought, where both he and Lacan were accused of sexist and class biases. A People’s History …
Florent Gabarron-Garcia: A People’s History of Psychoanalysis
It has been decades since Freud fell out of favour, not only in mainstream psychiatry but also in radical thought, where both he and Lacan were accused of sexist and class biases. A People’s History …