Pierre Cardaliaguet completed his Ph D at the U. Paris Dauphine in 1994. He has been a Professor at Brest U. from 2000 to 2010 and is currently Professor at the U. Paris Dauphine.
Alessio Porretta received his Ph D from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2000, and is currently a full Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His research activities are mainly focused on convection-diffusion and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, control theory and mean field games.
Francesco Salvarani (Ph D in Mathematics, University of Genoa, Italy, and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France) is an expert in the mathematical and numerical study of collective phenomena arising both in physics and the social sciences. His scientific activities are mainly focused on kinetic equations and systems.
2 Ebooki wg Francesco Salvarani
Pierre Cardaliaguet & Alessio Porretta: PDE Models for Multi-Agent Phenomena
This volume covers selected topics addressed and discussed during the workshop “PDE models for multi-agent phenomena, ” which was held in Rome, Italy, from November 28th to December 2nd, 2016. The co …
Francesco Salvarani: Recent Advances in Kinetic Equations and Applications
The volume covers most of the topics addressed and discussed during the Workshop INd AM 'Recent advances in kinetic equations and applications’, which took place in Rome (Italy), from November 11th t …