Poor Hector. Tempus fugit, and our intrepid psychiatrist is not feeling quite as young as he used to. His patients are concerned with time too. One feels she’s always in a hurry, as if there’s a clock ticking in her tummy – she would like time to slow down. But there’s also a boy who wishes time would hurry along and turn him into an adult. And a third patient measures his remaining years in the number of dogs he’ll have time to own. Hector feels he must find a solution to the problem of time and so, of course, another journey is required.Follow Hector as he sets off to uncover nuggets of universal wisdom on time.
O autorze
François Lelord studied and practiced psychiatry in Paris, and was a consultant for companies interested in reducing stress for their employees. The huge success of Hector and the Search for Happiness led him to spend more time writing and travelling, ending up in Vietnam during the Sars epidemic. There he practiced psychiatry for a French NGO and met his future wife Phuong. Today they live in Thailand. Hector and the Search for Happiness was adapted for film in 2015, starring Simon Pegg and Rosamund Pike.