Autor: Gayle A. Buck

Valarie L Akerson is a Professor of Science Education at Indiana University, and a former elementary teacher. Her research focuses on preservice and inservice elementary teachers’ ideas about Nature of Science, as well as their teaching practices. She is a Past-President of the Association for Science Teacher Education and a Past-President for NARST: A worldwide organization for improving science teaching and learning through research. Gayle Buck is an Associate Dean for Research, Development & Innovation, as well as a Professor of Science Education. Previously a middle level science teacher in both urban and rural schools, Professor Buck now teaches courses in science, STEM education and teacher education. Her research explores 1) student populations traditionally underserved in science education, 2) neglected epistemological assumptions in teaching and learning, and 3) pragmatic and participatory approaches to educational research.

3 Ebooki wg Gayle A. Buck

Gayle A. Buck & Valarie L. Akerson: Enhancing Professional Knowledge of Pre-Service Science Teacher Education by Self-Study Research
Self-study research is making an impact on the field of science education. University researchers employ these methods to improve their instruction, develop as instructors, and ultimately, impact the …
Valarie L. Akerson & Gayle A. Buck: Critical Questions in STEM Education
This edited volume offers a crosscutting view of STEM and is comprised of work by scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. It offers a view of STEM from the disci …
Gayle A. Buck & Vesna Dimitrieska: Internationalizing Rural Science Teacher Preparation
This edited volume discusses the need to increase quantity and enhance quality of science education focused on preparing rural students to thrive in an interconnected, interdependent, and complex wor …