Equality is an elusive concept most of the time. Whether it’s racial, ethnic, gender-related, or class-related, weve struggled to find anything that resembles the concept of equal. This book, from the Christian perspective, attempts to point out the inequalities that Christians have put on themselves, especially with respect to that of men and women. Jesus treated women equal to men. We should. This book gives foundation, understanding, and application for us from the Bible, even in this twenty-first century. You will be equipped to stand scripturally on the foundation that Jesus laid. Four women from the New Testament have been misrepresented from a mans point of view in a mans world. We aim to change all that. The first is the woman at the well, the Samaritan Woman.
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Glenn Vellekamp has been a counseling pastor for thirty years. In working with families, marriages, and dating, he has observed some religious and gender-related conflicts that destroy relationships. He is currently married for thirty-seven years, with six children and fourteen grandchildren. He has also authored “A View Worth Teaching” under the pen name Tim Tyler with this same publisher. He and his wife live in Gainesville, Florida, and own a successful business together.