Your step-by-step guide to digital media fun – no experiencerequired!
Share your movies, create a music library, or preserveimportant records
What do you want to put on CDs or DVDs? Whether you need abackup archive for valuable business data or a personalized videolibrary that rocks, you can do it with Roxio Easy Media Creator 8.Follow this handy guide to find the task you want to perform andmake it happen, quickly and easily.
Discover how to
* Quickly navigate the Creator 8 suite
* Copy data with Drag-to-Disc
* Schedule regular backups
* Produce slideshows with background music
* Build media projects with task Assistants
* Create DVDs with audio, video, and photos
Spis treści
Part I: A Bit About Easy Media Creator 8 and Digital Media.
Chapter 1: Getting Acquainted with Easy Media Creator 8.
Chapter 2: The Ins and Outs of Digital Media and Gear.
Part II: Creating Data Discs.
Chapter 3: Backing Up and Copying Data Files.
Chapter 4: Organizing Media Files with Media Manager.
Part III: Creating Audio CDs and Photo Projects.
Chapter 5: Editing Audio with Sound Editor.
Chapter 6: Managing Digital Photos.
Chapter 7: Burning Audio CDs, MP3, and DVD Music Discs.
Chapter 8: Creating Disc Labels and Case Inserts.
Part IV: Creating Projects for DVDs.
Chapter 9: Acquiring Digital Media.
Chapter 10: Creating and Editing Video Productions.
Chapter 11: Building and Burning DVDs.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 12: Top Ten (or So) Components of the Roxio Creator 8Suite.
Chapter 13: Ten (or So) Coolest Features in the Roxio Creator 8Suite.
O autorze
Greg Harvey Ph.D. has authored tons of computer books, themost recent being Excel 2003 For Dummies and Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF For Dummies. He started out training businessusers on how to use IBM personal computers and their attendantcomputer software in the rough and tumble days of DOS, Word Star, and Lotus 1-2-3 in the mid-80s of the last century. After workingfor a number of independent training firms, he went on to teachsemester-long courses in spreadsheet and database managementsoftware at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.
His love of teaching has translated into an equal love of writing.For Dummies books are, of course, his all-time favorites towrite because they enable him to write to his favorite audience, the beginner. They also enable him to use humor (a key element tosuccess in the training room) and, most delightful of all, toexpress an opinion or two about the subject matter at hand.