Autor: Gregg F. Relyea

Dr. Joshua Weiss is the co-founder of the Global Negotiation Initiative at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Negotiation Project. He is also the Director and creator of the Master of Science degree in Leadership and Negotiation at Baypath University. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in 2002. Dr. Weiss speaks and publishes on leadership, negotiation, mediation, and approaches to resolving conflicts. Both authors have published numerous articles about conflict resolution in professional journals and they have produced instructional videos in various formats, including You, blogs, podcasts, and other websites.

6 Ebooki wg Gregg F. Relyea

Gregg F. Relyea & Joshua N. Weiss: Trouble at the Watering Hole
The forest animals have a problem—the watering hole isn’t big enough. They have all the usual reasons for getting more water—who is biggest, who is strongest, and who is cleverest. But the animals ar …
Gregg F. Relyea & Joshua N. Weiss: Phony Friends, Besties Again
Phones are fun! Friends are fun! But phony friends are the worst!! In this tale of friendship lost and found, long-time friends Emo and Chickie will be tested. With one click of a button, an embarras …
Weiss N. Joshua & Gregg F. Relyea: Parent/Teacher Manual for TROUBLE AT THE WATERING HOLE Children’s Book
The children’s book, Trouble at the Watering Hole, tells the story of forest animals who are fighting over a limited supply of water in a forest watering hole. Fighting with each other doesnt accompl …
Gregg F Relyea & Josh N Weiss: Bullied No More!
Bullying behavior has become so common that kids, parents, and teachers cannot afford to ignore it. Instead, they can talk about bullying behavior before it occurs or draw a roadmap of possible ways …
Gregg F. Relyea & Joshua N. Weiss: UN PROBLEMA EN EL ESTANQUE
Los animales del bosque tienen un problema: el estanque no es lo suficientemente grande. Cada uno tiene todas las razones habituales para obtener más agua: quién es el más grande, quién es el más fue …
Gregg F. Relyea & Joshua N. Weiss: Piccoli negoziatori crescono
Finalmente un libro per bambini che insegna loro come gestire i conflitti quotidiani, piccoli e grandi.   Gli animali della foresta hanno un problema: il laghetto non è abbastanza grande. Ciascu …