Autor: Guest Editor Cosimo Zene

Cosimo Zene is currently Reader and Head of Department in the Study of Religions Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has published on ex-Untouchables (The Rishi of Bangladesh, 2002), on Gramsci (Rethinking Gramsci, ed. Marcus Green, 2011, LARES, 2013), a monograph on the work of the Danish anthropologist A. F. W. Bentzon in Sardinia (Dialoghi Nulesi, 2009), and various articles on gift-giving in Sardinia, part of a forthcoming monograph (Itineraries of the Gift).

1 Ebooki wg Guest Editor Cosimo Zene

Gerald Cipriani: Culture and Dialogue
Vol.3, No.1 of Culture and Dialogue is a Special Issue in many ways.This issue marks the takeover by a new publisher. Because of contractual constraints and practical reasons the decision was made to …