Cosimo Zene is currently Reader and Head of Department in the Study of Religions Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has published on ex-Untouchables (The Rishi of Bangladesh, 2002), on Gramsci (Rethinking Gramsci, ed. Marcus Green, 2011, LARES, 2013), a monograph on the work of the Danish anthropologist A. F. W. Bentzon in Sardinia (Dialoghi Nulesi, 2009), and various articles on gift-giving in Sardinia, part of a forthcoming monograph (Itineraries of the Gift).
1 Ebooki wg Guest Editor Cosimo Zene
Gerald Cipriani: Culture and Dialogue
Vol.3, No.1 of Culture and Dialogue is a Special Issue in many ways.This issue marks the takeover by a new publisher. Because of contractual constraints and practical reasons the decision was made to …