Autor: Gunnar Gunnarsson

Einar Hjörleifsson Kvaran (6 December 1859 in Vallanes, Iceland as Einar Hjörleifsson 21 May 1938 in Reykjavík) was an Icelandic editor, novelist, poet, playwright and prominent spiritualist. Gunnar Gunnarsson (18 May 1889 21 November 1975) was an Icelandic author who wrote mainly in Danish. He grew up, in considerable poverty, on Valþjófsstaður in Fljótsdalur valley and on Ljótsstaðir in Vopnafjörður. Despite great difficulties, he became one of the most popular novelists in Denmark and Germany.

4 Ebooki wg Gunnar Gunnarsson

Gunnar Gunnarsson: Inseln im großen Meer
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quelle …
Steigrumur J. Porsteinsson & Einar H. Kvaran: 7 best short stories – Iceland
Icelanders have the highest literacy rates in the world. This is largely due to the rich literary tradition developed in this region. In this book, August Nemo brings seven short stories from differe …
Gunnar Gunnarsson: Advent
Rozhdestvenskaya povest” vydayushchegosya islandskogo pisatelya Gunnara Gunnarssona (1889–1975) osnovana na real”nyh sobytiyah. Kazhdyj god v nachale Adventa (ozhidaniya Rozhdestva) uzhe nemolodoj …