Autor: H. Meyer

JENNY ANDERSSON CNRS Research Fellow at the Center for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, France, and Associate Professor at the Swedish Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, Sweden STEFAN BERGER Professor of Modern German and Comparative European History at the University of Manchester, UK, where he is also Director of the Manchester Jean-Monnet Centre of Excellence STEFAN COLLIGNON Professor of Political Economy and the founder of the Euro Asia Forum at Sant”Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy. He is also International Chief Economist of the Centro Europa Ricerche (CER), Roma COLIN CROUCH Professor of Governance and Public Management at the Business School of Warwick University, UK SEBASTIAN DULLIEN Professor for International Economics, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany DEBORAH GRAYSON Professional activist and writer HANSJÖRG HERR, Professor at the Berlin School of Economics, Germany ISABELLE HERTNER Lecturer in European Studies and Germanat King”s College, London, UK CHRISTIAN KELLERMANN Director of the Nordic Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) in Stockholm, Sweden CHRISTIAN KROLL Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, USA GEORGE LAKOFF Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, USA BEN LITTLE Lecturer in Media and Cultural studies at Middlesex University, UK JAMES SLOAM Senior Lecturer in Politics and Co-Director of the Centre for European Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations Royal Holloway, University of London, UK DIMITRIS TSAROUHAS Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Turkey ELISABETH WEHLING Ph.D student in the Linguistics Department at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.

8 Ebooki wg H. Meyer

H. Meyer & J. Rutherford: The Future of European Social Democracy
European social democracy is in crisis. In the last decade it has ceased to be about either society or democracy. The authors explore its values, how it can be revived and what kind of political econ …
Ligaran & Lucien Biart: Un voyage involontaire
Extrait : ’ À ta santé, mon pauvre Boisjoli ! — À la tienne, mon brave Pinson ! Les deux convives, assis dans la salle à manger d’un appartement de la rue Nollet, burent avec lenteur; leurs verres, à …
J. Duggan & H. Meyer: Airships in International Affairs 1890 – 1940
This book analyses the unique psychological appeal of the airship worldwide and shows how this appeal was exploited for ulterior political purposes. They were used by Count Zeppelin to advance German …
John T. Addison & David B. Audretsch: Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics
In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. However, in the triad the process of globalization is rather asymmetric. With a rising r …
Dietrich Reinhardt: Therapie der Krankheiten des Kindesalters
Ausgewogen und praxisnah vermittelt der REINHARDT das gesamte Spektrum der modernen pädiatrischen Therapie. Das aktuelle Wissen ist schnell und gezielt abrufbar. …
H. Meyer & P. Sand: Strömungsversuche und Widerstandsmessungen an Eisenbahnwaggonformen zur Verminderung des Querwiderstandes
Der Zugwiderstand fahrender Eisenbahnzüge setzt sich aus dem Reibungs­ widerstand des Fahrwerks und dem Luftwiderstand zusammen. Über den Rei­ bungswiderstand des Fahrwerks und auch über den Luftwide …