Spis treści
Preface to the Fourteenth Edition, xiii
Preface to the First Edition, xv
Acknowledgements to the Fourteenth Edition, xvii
Acknowledgements to the First Edition, xix
About the Companion Website, xx
Part 1: The Thorax
Introduction, 3
Surface anatomy and surface markings, 3
The thoracic cage, 7
The lower respiratory tract, 20
The mediastinum, 30
On the examination of a chest radiograph, 54
Part 2: The Abdomen and Pelvis
Surface anatomy and surface markings, 59
The fasciae and muscles of the abdominal wall, 62
Peritoneal cavity, 70
The gastrointestinal tract, 75
The gastrointestinal adnexae: liver, gall bladder and its ducts, pancreas and spleen, 97
The urinary tract, 110
The male genital organs, 121
The bony and ligamentous pelvis, 129
The muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, 138
The female genital organs, 142
The posterior abdominal wall, 155
Computed axial tomography, 161
Part 3: The Upper Limb
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the upper limb, 165
The bones and joints of the upper limb, 170
Three important zones of the upper limb: the axilla, the cubital fossa and the carpal tunnel, 189
The arteries of the upper limb, 192
The brachial plexus, 193
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the upper limb, 197
Compartments of the upper limb, 201
The female breast, 202
The anatomy of upper limb deformities, 206
The spaces of the hand, 210
Part 4: The Lower Limb
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the lower limb, 217
The bones and joints of the lower limb, 227
Three important zones of the lower limb: the femoral triangle, adductor canal and popliteal fossa, 251
The arteries of the lower limb, 258
The veins of the lower limb, 261
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the lower limb, 264
Compartments of the lower limb, 271
Part 5: The Head and Neck
Surface anatomy of the neck, 277
The thyroid gland, 282
The parathyroid glands, 286
The palate, 288
The tongue and floor of the mouth, 291
The pharynx, 296
The larynx, 303
The salivary glands, 309
The major arteries of the head and neck, 313
The veins of the head and neck, 321
The lymph nodes of the neck, 327
The cervical sympathetic trunk, 329
The branchial system and its derivatives, 330
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the head, 331
The scalp, 333
The skull, 334
The paranasal sinuses (accessory nasal sinuses), 340
The mandible, 344
The vertebral column, 347
Part 6: The Nervous System
Introduction, 357
The brain, 357
The spinal cord, 381
The cranial nerves, 388
The special senses, 406
The autonomic nervous system, 417
Glossary of eponyms, 427
Index, 433