The Old Testament is often maligned as an outmoded and even dangerous text. Best-selling authors like Richard Dawkins, Karen Armstrong, and Derrick Jensen are prime examples of those who find the Old Testament to be problematic to modern sensibilities. Iain Provan counters that such easy and popular readings misunderstand the Old Testament. He opposes modern misconceptions of the Old Testament by addressing ten fundamental questions that the biblical text should–and according to Provan does–answer: questions such as 'Who is God?’ and 'Why do evil and suffering mark the world?’ By focusing on Genesis and drawing on other Old Testament and extra-biblical sources, Seriously Dangerous Religion constructs a more plausible reading. As it turns out, Provan argues, the Old Testament is far more dangerous than modern critics even suppose. Its dangers are the bold claims it makes upon its readers.
Spis treści
1 Of Mice, and Men, and Hobbits
Stories, Art, and Life
2 The Up Quark, the Down Quark, and Other Cool Stuff
What Is the World?
3 Slow to Anger, Abounding in Love, and (Thankfully) Jealous
Who Is God?
4 Of Humus and Humanity
Who Are Man and Woman?
5 It Isn’t Natural
Why Do Evil and Suffering Mark the World?
6 On Living in a Blighted World
What Am I to Do about Evil and Suffering?
7 Even the Stork Knows That
How Am I to Relate to God?
8 Love All, Trust a Few, Do Wrong to None
How Am I to Relate to My Neighbor?
9 On Keeping the Earth
How Am I to Relate to the Rest of Creation?
10 I Saw the New Jerusalem
Which Society Should I Be Helping to Build?
11 A Bird Perched in the Soul
What Am I to Hope For?
12 Further Up and Further In
New Dimensions in the Old Story
13 On the Judicious Closing of the Mind
The Question of Truth
14 Risk Assessment
Is the Story Dangerous?
Postscript: Biblical Faith for a New Age
Scripture Index
Index of Authors
Subject Index
O autorze
Iain Provan is the Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies, Regent College. He lives in the Vancouver, Canada area.