Abia Moloisane, BSc (Ed), BTech, MEng, is a LAN-WAN Networks and Systems Consultant in the UK and Lesotho.Dr Ivan Ganchev, DipEng, PhD, SMIEEE, is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA. He received his engineering (summa cum laude) and doctoral degrees from the Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications in 1989 and 1995, respectively. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Plovdiv and an ITU-T Invited Expert. Currently he is lecturing in the University of Limerick, Ireland, where he also acts as a Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Research Centre (trc.ul.ie). Previously, he has served as a member of the Academic Network for Wireless Internet Research in Europe (ANWIRE) and two European Science Foundation „COoperation in the field of Science and Technology research” Actions: COST 285 „Modelling and Simulation Tools for Research in Emerging Multi-service Telecommunications” and COST 290 „Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks”. Currently he is a member of COST Actions IC0906 „Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO)” and IC0905 „Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio (TERRA)”. His research interests include: next generation wireless networks, new telecommunications paradigms, always best connected and best served (ABC and S), third-party authentication, authorization and accounting (3P-AAA), trust management, wireless billboard channels (WBC), cognitive pilot channels (CPC), Internet tomography, mobile eLearning. Dr Ganchev has served on the Technical Program Committees of a number of prestigious international conferences, symposia, and workshops. He has authored/co-authored over 180 research publications in refereed journals, international conferences and books.Dr Máirtín O”Droma, BE, PhD, CEng, FIET, SMIEEE, is Director of the Telecommunications Research Centre, Senior Lecturer, and Governing Authority Member at the University of Limerick, Ireland. He is also an IEEE Subject Matter Expert; an Invited Expert, UN”s International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T); Chairman, Royal Irish Academy”s Communications and Radio Science Committee; President, All-Ireland Official Commission Members, International Union of Radio Science (URSI); Ireland”s delegate to a number of European Science Foundation”s Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology (COST) Research Actions such as „Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio, ” TERRA, and „RF/microwave communication subsystems for emerging wireless technologies, ” RFCSET; and Steering Committee member on the All-Ireland Telecommunications Graduate Initiative.
4 Ebooki wg Ivan Ganchev
Marilia Curado & Ivan Ganchev: Wireless Networking for Moving Objects
Wireless networks of moving objects have drawn significant attention recently. These types of networks consist of a number of autonomous or semi-autonomous wireless nodes/objects moving with diverse …
Hans van den Berg & Ivan Ganchev: Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services
This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1304 "Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)". The book contains 14 chapters and cons …
Ivan Ganchev & Abia Moloisane: Internet Tomography
Internet tomography, introduced from basic principles through to techniques, tools and applications, is the subject of this book. The design of Internet Tomography Measurement Systems (ITMS) aimed at …
Ciprian Dobre & Ivan Ganchev: Enhanced Living Environments
This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 "Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)". The concept of Enhan …