I was walking one day, and I almost stepped on a caterpillar. In that moment, I decided to capture a photo of this interesting creature instead. Later, I began to research the lifestyle of a caterpillar and the stages it goes through, leading up to becoming a butterfly. I found it amazing the things a caterpillar endures just to morph into a butterfly, such as the days spent crawling the earth, in danger of being crushed; being continuously, culturally degraded and frowned upon as a hideous creature; and then spending days of isolation in a cocoon with no means of defense against its surrounding habitat. After all those stages of growth, the caterpillar blossoms into a beautiful butterfly. Its quite ironic how we overlook the caterpillars but chase the butterflies. The difference in the view from the ground to the sky is amazing.
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Author J A Smith has been writing poetry for over fifteen years. She first started what she calls her “journey” in 2013 with her first published work “Tears of Eleven Years”. “Tears of Eleven Years” was a selection of poems Smith wrote during a period of emotional darkness in her life, but ends with poems about redemption, strength, and faith in God to rise above those moments. She is now back four years later with a collection of poems titled “I can’t wait to see my wings”. Smith is now in a different phase of her life, with a new outlook, thought process, and feelings about it all. She still finds a way to beautifully, and realistically express what we as humans face, fear, and feel through this journey called life.