Russia and a few other Eurasian countries have been home to the fastest growing epidemics of HIV in the world over the last several years. This volume offers country-specific accounts, authored by the leading players in the analysis of the situation and the fight against the virus.
Spis treści
PART I: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Foreword; S.Talbott Introduction; J.L.Twigg HIV/AIDS in Eurasia; M.Feshbach PART II: RUSSIA HIV/AIDS in Russia; V.Pokrovsky The Politics of Russia’s HIV/AIDS Policy; C.Wallander HIV/AIDS Non-Governmental Organizations in Russia; J.Stachowiak & A.Peryshkina The Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in Russia/Eurasia; S.Sharp PART III: EURASIA HIV/AIDS in Ukraine; A.Klepikov HIV/AIDS in Central Asia: B.Zhussupov HIV/AIDS in the Caucasus; J.Ibrahimova, L.Mamedova, S.Grigoryan & T.Tsertsvadze HIV/AIDS in the Baltics: L.Priimägi, S.Caplinskas & A.Ferdats PART IV: ADDRESSING THE EPIDEMIC International Donors and HIV in Eurasia; B.Lindblad Bilateral Donors and HIV in Eurasia; V.Saldanha HIV/AIDS and Eurasian Health Care Systems; J.L.Twigg PART V: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS HIV and Drug Use in Eurasia; R.Heimer, M.Merson & K.Irwin HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in Eurasia; J.Csete The Security Implications of HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia; H.Balzer
O autorze
JUDYTH L. TWIGG is Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programmes, School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.