James J. Clauss is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Washington and is the author of
The Best of the Argonauts.
Sarah Iles Johnston is Associate Professor of Classics at The Ohio State University and is the author of
Hekate Soteira.
3 Ebooki wg James J. Clauss
James J. Clauss & Sarah Iles Johnston: Medea
From the dawn of European literature, the figure of Medea–best known as the helpmate of Jason and murderer of her own children–has inspired artists in all fields throughout all centuries. Euripides …
James J. Clauss & Martine Cuypers: The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry
This e-book explores the representation of the gods in Greek hexameter poetry in its many forms, including epic, hymnic and didactic poetry, from the archaic period to late antiquity. Its twenty-five …
James J. Clauss: The Best of the Argonauts
This revelatory exploration of Book One of the Argonautica rescues Jason from his status as the ineffectual hero of Apollonius’ epic poem. James J. Clauss argues that by posing the questio …