Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Electron Transport in Nanosystems
Yalta, Ukraine
17-21 September 2007
Spis treści
Preface.1. Electron transport in nanodevices. Optical properties and electronic structure of organic-inorganic nano-interface; A.Fuijwara et al.- Electron transport in nanowires- an engineer’s view; W.Nawrocki.- Nanoporous anodic alumina wire templates for nanowire devices; T. L Wade et al.- Friedel oscillations in nanowires at finite bias voltage; A. Gorczyca, et al.-Spin orbit interaction induced spin-separation in platinum nanostructures; Koong Chee Weng et al.-The problem of true macroscopic charge quantization in the coulomb blockade; I.S.Burmistrov, A.M.M. Pruisken.- 2. Superconductivity. 11.1. New superconductors. High-field flux dynamics in disordered superconductivity;J. M. Knight et al.-Superconductivity in the quantum-size regime; A. A. Shanenk et al.- Kondo effect coupled to superconductivity in ultrasmall grains; H. Nagao, S. P. Kruchinin.- Emerging measurement techniques for studies of mesoscopic superconductors;A.Rydh et al.- Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in Ce Co In; R. Movshovich et al.-I I. 2. Cuprate superconductors. Bipolaronic proximity and other unconventional effects in cuprate superconductors; A. S. Alexandrov.- Interlayer tunneling in stacked junctions of high temperature superconductors, CDW materials and graphite; Yu.I. Latyshev.-Multiband description of the electron-doped cuprate gaps on the doping scale; N.Kristoffel, P.Rubin.- Antiadiabatic state – ground state of superconducttors: study of YBCO; P. Banacký.- Elements of modern high-temperature superconductivity; J. D. Dow, R. Harshman.-3. Spintronics.Nonequilibrium density of states and destribution functions for strongly correlated materials and cross the Mott transition; K.Freeriks, V. Joura.-Non-equilibrium physics in solids: hot-electron relaxation; K.H.Bennemann.- Functional renormalization group approach to non-equilibrium properties of mesoscopic systems; T.Pruschke et al.- Microscopic proximity effect parameters in S/N and S/F heterostructures;S.Prishepa et al.- Conductance oscillations with magnetic field of a two-dimensional electron gas-superconductor junction; M.Chtche!katchev, I S., Burmistrov.- Universalities in scattering on mesoscopic obstacles in two-dimensional electron gases; V. Yudson, D. Maslov.- Geometric phases in open multi-level systems electron gases; S. Syzranov, Yu. Makhlin.-Magnetic and transport properties of nanocrystaline titanium carbide in carbon matrix; N.Guskos et al.- 4. Sensors. Biochemical sensors in the security sector; B. Snopok.-Electronic nanosendors besed nanotransistor with bistability behaviour; V. Ermakov et al.- A bio-inspired electromechanical system: Artificial hair cel; Kang-Hun Ahn.-Si circuits, optical fibers, and Al In Ga P and In Ga N light-emitters; J.D.Dow.- Sensing effects in the nanostructured systems;V.G. Litovchenko, V.S. Solntsev.-Band structure and electronic transport properties in H.VI nano-semiconductors. Application to infrared detectorws superlattices and alloys; A.El. Abidi et al.- Subject Index. Author Index.