Updated to reflect advancements since the publication of the previous edition, Understanding Lasers: An Entry-Level Guide, 3rd Edition is an introduction to lasers and associated equipment. You need only a minimal background in algebra to understand the nontechnical language in this book, which is a practical, easy-to-follow guide for beginners. By studying the conceptual drawings, tables, and multiple-choice quizzes with answers provided at the back of the book you can understand applications of semiconductor lasers, solid-state lasers, and gas lasers for information processing, medicine, communications, industry, and military systems.
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Jeff Hecht is a science and technology writer who has covered the laser industry for more than thirty years. He cofounded Lasers & Optronics magazine and has been a contributing editor to Laser Focus World since 1991, where he was also managing editor for seven years. He has been a Boston correspondent for New Scientist magazine since 1984 and is the author of eleven books. He has taught short courses on optics at SPIE, OSA, and IEEE LEOS conferences. He is a member of the IEEE, APS, OSA, and the National Association of Science Writers.