Autor: Jennifer Chapman

Jennifer Chapman hat in ihrer Heimat zahlreiche erfolgreiche Romane veröffentlicht. Man hat sie mit so bedeutenden Autorinnen wie Penelope Lively verglichen.

4 Ebooki wg Jennifer Chapman

Jennifer Chapman: Jeremys Baby
Jede Beziehung wird im Lauf der Zeit schal. Das stellen auch die Paare Jeremy und Angel und Paul und Marsha fest. Bei einem gemeinsamen Wochenende soll ein Partnertausch wieder neuen Schwung in ihr L …
Jennifer Chapman: Politics, Feminism and the Reformation of Gender
Caught between their female gender and their aspirations in a public sphere founded on the gender role of men, women face a problem that is more intractable than conventional feminist political analy …
Jennifer Chapman: Politics, Feminism and the Reformation of Gender
Caught between their female gender and their aspirations in a public sphere founded on the gender role of men, women face a problem that is more intractable than conventional feminist political analy …
Jennifer Chapman: Politics, Feminism and the Reformation of Gender
Caught between their female gender and their aspirations in a public sphere founded on the gender role of men, women face a problem that is more intractable than conventional feminist political analy …