Autor: Joan Snyder Kuhl

The late PETER F. DRUCKER (1909-2005), known worldwide as the „Father of Modern Management, ” was a professor, management consultant, and writer. Drucker directly influenced a huge number of leaders from a wide range of organizations across all sectors of society. Among them: General Electric, IBM, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Girl Scouts of the USA, The Salvation Army, Red Cross, United Farm Workers, and several presidential administrations. FRANCES HESSELBEIN, a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, is the president and CEO of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute (formerly the Leader to Leader Institute) and editor-in-chief of the award-winning quarterly journal, Leader to Leader, as well as co-editor of 27 books translated into 29 languages. JOAN SNYDER KUHL, founder of Why Millennials Matter, is an international speaker, leadership trainer, and consultant specializing in global talent development and generational engagement strategies.

4 Ebooki wg Joan Snyder Kuhl

Peter F. Drucker & Joan Snyder Kuhl: Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions
Enduring Management Wisdom for Today’s Leaders From Peter F. Drucker. Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions provides insightful guidance and stirring inspiration for today’s leaders and entre …
Peter F. Drucker & Joan Snyder Kuhl: Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions
Enduring Management Wisdom for Today’s Leaders From Peter F. Drucker. Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions provides insightful guidance and stirring inspiration for today’s leaders and entre …
Joan Snyder Kuhl & Jennifer Zephirin: Misunderstood Millennial Talent
Corporate recruiters and employers tend to perceive Millennials as a major flight risk, not worth investing in because they’ll be out the door in a year or two. Yet our data reveals this stereotype t …
Peter F. Drucker & Joan Snyder Kuhl: Die fünf entscheidenden Fragen des Managements für Führungskräfte von heute
Zeitlose Weisheit zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse von heutigen Führungskräften – das bietet der Ableger des erfolgreichen Buches 'Die fünf entscheidenden Fragen des Managements’ von Peter Drucker. …