Living in Balance is a timely, powerful, inspiring, and profoundly practical guide for everyone seeking to realize greater wisdom, compassion, resilience, creativity, well-being, and health in their lives. Drawing insights from nearly 50 years of field-tested experience, internationally acclaimed mind-science researchers, wellness educators, and corporate consultants Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey offer a rare synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions with cutting-edge research on extraordinary human performance pointing toward mindfulness, personal mastery, and resilience as being the keys to thriving and living in balance. With a myriad of principles and practices that can be woven into the fabric of daily life, it’s the ultimate manual for living in a complex, uncertain, and rapidly changing world.
Spis treści
Foreword by His Holiness The Dalai Lama ix
Authors Preface to the New Edition xi
Staying Centered in Challenging Times 1
An Inside-Out Approach to Balanced Living
1. It’s All About Balance 11
2. Glimpses of Wholeness 16
3. Life as a Learning Expedition: A Model for Balance 39
4. Mindfulness: The Gateway to Balance 56
5. The Science of Balance 94
Mind-Body-Spirit Harmony: Fine-Tuning our Primary Instrument
6. Physical Balance: Lessons from and for the Body 109
7. Emotional Balance: A Peaceful Heart 133
8. The Balanced Mindstate 151
9. Catching the Waves: Balancing the Harmonics of
Subtle Energy 174
10. Balanced in Spirit 192
11. Breathing into Balance 216
Expanding the Circle of Balance: Home, Play, Work, and World
12. All My Relations 235
13. Life-Work Balance 258
14. Finding Yourself in the World 294
Reclaiming Our Balance, Embracing the Whole
15. Seven Principles for Living in Balance 313
16. Earthwalk: Essential Reminders for a Balanced Life 322
Our Invitation to You 337
Permissions 338
Acknowledgments 340
About the Authors 342
O autorze
Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey, Founders of Wisdom at Work, are regarded as an early pioneers in the global 'mindfulness revolution’, as well as helping to spearhead the 'mind-fitness’, 'change resilience’, 'VUCA capability and preparedness’ and 'collective wisdom’ movements. They were among the very first people in the world to introduce Mindful Leadership and Advanced Mind Fitness based programs for realizing higher levels of human potential and wellness in mainstream business, medical, higher education, sports, government, and military arenas, beginning in the mid-1970s. Their inspired work demonstrates the wisdom of integrating interpersonal neurobiology and advanced mind-fitness training for developing the extra-ordinary capacities of leader, teams, and organizations in these complex times. Over the past 40+ years Joel and Michelle, have worked with thousands of leaders in hundreds of organizations around the globe. The well documented results of their work have led to enduring and inspiring business results and personal transformations. Their clients include: NASA; Google; British Parliament; World Government Summit; U.S. Army Special Forces; West Point Military Academy; Clinton Global Initiative; Boeing; Microsoft; Prime Minister’s Office of Dubai; NHS; NIH; Intel; Hewlett Packard; M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center; M.I.T.; Stanford Research Institute International; U.S. Surgeon General’s Office; U.S. Federal Court, Washington Athletic Club; Sports Mind; and World Bank. The Leveys were honored to serve as advisors for the Mindfulness All-Parliamentary Group (MAPPG) at British Parliament in their development of the historic Mindful Nation UK Report, and to speak at their recent hearing on The Vital Role of Mindfulness in the Military and Emergency Blue-Light Services.
Michelle and Joel have served as faculty at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Indian Institute of Management, Mahidol University (Thailand), Antioch University, and the World Business Academy, Co-Chairpersons for the Institute for Health and Productivity Management’s Corporate Culture and Organizational Health Task Force, and are on the the Curriculum For Life Advisory Board. They were invited by military leaders at the Pentagon to design and guide the once secret Jedi Warrior program for the U.S. Army Special Forces. This historic program was described by leaders in the military and human potential movement as, 'The most exquisite orchestra1on of human technology we have ever seen, ’ and 'the most intensive and advanced leadership and human development program to be offered in modern times.’ This historic six-month long, full-time program included a month-long mindfulness retreat and a state of the art mind fitness laboratory with nearly a quarter of a million dollars’ worth of biofeedback and neurofeedback technology for teaching participants to refine their mindfulness and neurological integration in order to realize extra-ordinary levels of awareness and self-mastery. After the success of Google’s acclaimed Search Inside Yourself Program, the Leveys were sought out by leadership at Google to develop their follow-up program – the 'Global Mindfulness and Meditation Laboratory.’ Michelle and Joel have also been honored by the Institute for Noetic Sciences (founded by Stanford’s Willis Harman and astronaut Edgar Mitchell) as 'leading transformational teachers of our times.’ The Dalai Lama, an advisor on a number of the Leveys’ projects praised their work saying: 'You are presently engaged in work that has great prospects for bringing the inner-transformational sciences to people who may not under ordinary circumstances come into contact with these teachings.’