Jack Butler, Ph D, maintains a private practice at Rose Street Mental Health Care in Wichita Falls, TX. He is a licensed clinical social worker, a marriage & family therapist, and a AAMFT clinical member and approved supervisor. He retired as a Colonel from the United States Air Force in 1999. He was the Associate Chief of Clinical Social Work for the Air Force Surgeon General while at Andrews AFB, Maryland. Butler trained at the Georgetown Family Center (now the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family) for five years. He is the recipient of Caskie Research Award from the Bowen Center in 2010 for his work on the Bowen Archives at the NIMH.
2 Ebooki wg John F. Butler
Murray Bowen: Origins of Family Psychotherapy
Family therapy has become a well-established treatment modality across many mental health disciplines including clinical social work, psychology, psychiatry, nursing, and counseling. This book tells …
John F. Butler: Therapeutic Relationships
In this text, Butler takes an in-depth look at the development of family systems theory and how the work of Bowen, Gelso, and Meissner has shaped family psychotherapy. Family systems theory considers …