This volume presents an innovative psychobiological framework for understanding and treating PTSD. A major emphasis is the need to reformulate diagnostic criteria and treatment goals to reflect emerging knowledge about the complex pathways by which trauma disrupts people’s lives. Within a holistic, organismic framework, the editors identify 65 PTSD symptoms contained within five (rather than the traditional three) symptom clusters, and spell out 80 target objectives for treatment. Expert contributors then provide detailed presentations of core therapeutic approaches, including acute posttraumatic interventions, cognitive-behavioral approaches, pharmacotherapy, group psychotherapy, and psychodynamic techniques, as well as approaches to working with specific populations, including children, refugees, and the dually diagnosed. The concluding section reviews and synthesizes all case material presented, examining which symptoms are addressed by each of the core approaches, which treatment goals are met, and which clients can most effectively be helped. Combining cutting-edge theoretical exposition with clear-cut recommendations for practice, this is an ideal resource for clinicians, students, and researchers.
Spis treści
I. Theory, Models, and Clinical Paradigms of Treatment
1. Treatment Goals for PTSD, John D. Wilson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Jacob D. Lindy
2. A Holistic, Organismic Approach to Healing Trauma and PTSD, John P. Wilson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Jacob D. Lindy
II. Clinical Treatment of PTSD
3. An Overview of Clinical Considerations and Principles in the Treatment of PTSD, John P. Wilson
4. Allostatic versus Empirical Perspectives on Pharmacotherapy for PTSD, Matthew J. Friedman
5. An Allostatic Approach to the Psychodynamic Understanding of PTSD, Jacob D. Lindy and John P. Wilson
6. Acute Posttraumatic Interventions, Beverley Raphael and Matthew Dobson
7. Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to PTSD, Lori A. Zoellner, Lee A. Fitzgibbons, and Edna B. Foa
8. Group Psychotherapy for PTSD, David W. Foy, Paula P. Schnurr, Daniel S. Weiss, Melissa S. Wattenberg, Shirley M. Glynn, Charles R. Marmar, and Fred D. Gusman
III. Clinical Treatment Approaches for Special Trauma Populations
9. Treatment of Persons with Complex PTSD and Other Trauma-Related Disruptions of the Self, Laurie Anne Pearlman
10. Dual Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD, Alexander C. Mc Farlane
11. Cross-Cultural Treatment of PTSD, J. David Kinzie
12. Treatment Methods for Childhood Trauma, Kathleen Nader
13. Treatment of PTSD in Families and Couples, Laurie Harkness and Noka Zador
14. Treatment of PTSD in Persons with Severe Mental Illness, Kim T. Mueser and Stanley D. Rosenberg
IV. Case History Analysis and Practical Considerations
15. Case History Analysis of the Treatments for PTSD, Jacob D. Lindy, John P. Wilson, and Matthew J. Friedman
16. Practical Considerations in the Treatment of PTSD: Guidelines for Practitioners, John P. Wilson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Jacob D. Lindy
17. Respecting the Trauma Membrane: Above All, Do No Harm, Jacob D. Lindy and John P. Wilson