A society with no grasp of its history is like a person without a memory. This is particularly true of the history of ideas.
This book is an ideal introduction to the thinkers who have shaped Christian history and the culture of much of the world.
Writing in a lively, accessible style, Jonathan Hill takes us on an enlightening journey from the first to the twenty first centuries. He shows us the key Christian thinkers through the ages – ranging from Irenaeus, Origen, Augustine and Aquinas through to Luther, Wesley, Kierkegaard and Barth – placing them in their historical context and assessing their contribution to the development of Christianity.
Spis treści
Introduction 7
Part 1: The Church Fathers 10
Greek Philosophy 11
Justin Martyr 13
Rome 14
Irenaeus of Lyons 21
Gnosticism 22
Tertullian 30
Origen 37
Alexandria 37
Neoplatonism 46
The Conversion of Constantine 57
Arianism 58
The First Council of Nicea 59
Athanasius 60
Constantinople 63
The Cappadocian Fathers 65
The First Council of Constantinople 67
The Desert Fathers 72
Pelagianism 73
Augustine of Hippo 75
Cyril of Alexandria 88
The Council of Ephesus 90
The Council of Chalcedon 93
Part 2: The Byzantine Empire 95
Byzantium 96
Pseudo-Dionysius 97
The Second Council of Constantinople 97
Maximus the Confessor 101
The Third Council of Constantinople 102
The Second Council of Nicea 104
Symeon the New Theologian 105
The Rise of Islam 107
The Great Schism 109
Gregory Palamas 110
Mount Athos 112
The Third Rome 116
Part 3: The Middle Ages 118
The Dark Ages 119
Augustine of Canterbury 120
The Holy Roman Empire 121
Erigena 122
The Monasteries 123
Anselm 125
Feudalism 126
Chivalry 130
Peter Abelard 134
Paris 135
The Mendicant Orders 140
Thomas Aquinas 142
The Rediscovery of Aristotle 144
Bonaventure 154
John Duns Scotus 157
Oxford 157
Medieval Mysticism 160
John Wyclif 161
The Inquisition 163
Jan Hus 164
Part 4: The Reformation 171
The Renaissance 172
Martin Luther 175
The Conquistadors 176
John Calvin 188
Geneva 189
The Later Reformation 199
The Council of Trent 200
Puritanism 203
Pietism 204
John Wesley 205
Part 5: The Modern Era 211
The Enlightenment 212
Gotthold Lessing 214
Immanuel Kant 216
Romanticism 217
Friedrich Schleiermacher 220
Tübingen 221
Søren Kierkegaard 235
Geology and Biology 238
Evangelicalism 241
Albrecht Ritschl 245
John Henry Newman 247
The Oxford Movement 247
The First Vatican Council 252
Albert Schweitzer 253
Part 6: The 20th Century 257
Karl Barth 258
Rudolf Bultmann 269
Existentialism 270
Dietrich Bonhoeffer 277
Reinhold Niebuhr 285
Paul Tillich 291
Karl Rahner 297
The Second Vatican Council 298
Process Theology 304
Liberation Theology 306
Pentecostalism 307
Jürgen Moltmann 308
Feminist Theology 312
Postmodernism 313
Wolfhart Pannenberg 316
African Christianity 319
Asian Christianity 321
Epilogue 324
Glossary 327
Further Reading 336
Index 345
O autorze
Jonathan Hill is Lecturer in Philosophy of Religion at the University of Exeter. He holds an MPhil in Theology from Oxford, and a Ph D in Philosophy from the National University of Singapore. He is the author of the highly acclaimed The History of Christian Thought (Lion, 2003), What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us? (Lion, 2005), The Big Questions (Lion, 2007), and The New Lion Handbook: The History of Christianity (Lion, 2007).