Autor: Jorge Alberto Calvo

Dr Jorge Alberto Calvo has degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Santa Barbara, and has taught Mathematics at Williams College, North Dakota State University, and Ave Maria University, USA. He has published nine research articles and coedited two research anthologies in the area of geometric topology and knot theory. His work has appeared in Topology and its Applications, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Journal of Statistical Physics, and Information Processing Letters. Most recently, he was a contributing author to Knots, Molecules, and the Universe: An Introduction to Topology (2016). He currently works as a senior technical writer for a private software development firm.

3 Ebooki wg Jorge Alberto Calvo

Jorge Alberto Calvo & Kenneth C Millett: Physical And Numerical Models In Knot Theory: Including Applications To The Life Sciences
The physical properties of knotted and linked configurations in space have long been of interest to mathematicians. More recently, these properties have become significant to biologists, physicists, …
Jorge Alberto Calvo: Physical Knots
Based on a Special Session at the AMS Sectional Meeting in Las Vegas (NV) in April 2001, this volume discusses critical questions and new ideas in the areas of knotting and folding of curves in surfa …
Jorge Alberto Calvo: Scientific Programming
This book offers an introduction to computer programming, numerical analysis, and other mathematical ideas that extend the basic topics learned in calculus. It illustrates how mathematicians and scie …