Julia Feder is the Assistant Director of the Center for the Study of Spirituality and Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Theology at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana. Her research focuses on theological anthropology, theologies of suffering, and human evolution. Her essays have been published in Theological Studies, Horizons, the Journal of Moral Theology, the Journal of Religion and Society, Anthropology News, and Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences.
4 Ebooki wg Julia Feder
Celia Deane-Drummond & Agustin Fuentes: Evolution of Human Wisdom
This volume addresses key questions about the puzzle of human origins by focusing on a topic that is largely unexplored thus far, namely, the evolution of human wisdom. How can we best understand the …
Erin Kidd & Jakob Karl Rinderknecht: Putting God on the Map
Since the middle of the last century, the emergence and development of fields as diverse as artificial intelligence, evolutionary science, cognitive linguistics, and neuroscience have led to a greate …
Julia Feder: Incarnating Grace
Prioritizes survivors of abuse by reexamining Christian ideals about suffering and salvation More than half of women and almost one in three of men in the United States have experienced sexual violen …
Julia Feder: Incarnating Grace
Prioritizes survivors of abuse by reexamining Christian ideals about suffering and salvation More than half of women and almost one in three of men in the United States have experienced sexual violen …