Julie Federico, M.A. is a former a middle school counselor. Violence in schools is a topic Ms. Federico understands. She was employed with Jefferson County Public School District during the 1999 Columbine High School shootings and was a first responder. Julie has dedicated this book to the Sandy Hook community in Newtown, CT. Ms. Federico, an expert in school violence has spent over a decade confronting this epidemic problem in our society. Parents and educators will appreciate the simple, non-threatening language Federico uses to create a school safety message that every child must hear. Ms. Federico awarding winning childrens author of Some Parts are NOT for Sharing and Anger is OKAY Violence is NOT are childrens first books on personal safety and anger control. Julie is not afraid to tackle difficult social problems, she has written about domestic violence prevention, child abuse prevention, and now school violence prevention. www.juliefederico.com
5 Ebooki wg Julie Federico
Julie Federico: The Bad Guys
The Bad Guys is a timely book that addresses a subject we wish was non-existent. The message of this book enables children to be aware of potential danger as well as how to communicate and respond in …
Julie Federico: Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe
Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe is a timely book that addresses a subject we wish was non-existent. The message of this book enables children to be aware of potential danger as well as how to com …
Julie K Federico: El enojo esta’ BIEN La violencia NO
El enojo esta’ BIEN La violencia NO, escrito por Julie Federico e ilustrado por Glori Alexander, es una adición reflexiva y muy necesaria a las bibliotecas de maestros de preescolar y trabajadores so …
Julie K Federico: Anger is OKAY Violence is NOT
Anger is OKAY, Violence is NOT, written by Julie Federico and illustrated by Glori Alexander, is a thoughtful, much-needed addition to pre-school teachers’ and social workers’ libraries. With vibrant …
Julie Federico: Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe
’Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe is a timely book that addresses a subject we wish was nonexistent. The message of this book enables children to be aware of potential danger as well as how to com …