This volume profiles some of the innovative reforms communitycollege practitioners are engaged in, focusing on supportingstudents through to graduation. While much has been written at thefederal and state levels about the need to improve studentcompletion rates, this volume translates that imperative intoaction at the campus level. It presents the practitiners’ voicesand experiences in:
* Changing academic content
* Pedagogy
* Student support services
* And other critical components of community colleges.
Each chapter focuses on either a particular campus-based reform oron a cross-cutting approach or set of issues relevant for mostcampuses. The volume highlights opportunities, describes challengesand how they were overcome, and provides guidance that can be usedby other postsecondary practitioners involved inlarge-scale–campus, multi-campus, orsystem-level–reforms that aim to increase studentsuccess.
This is the 167th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly reportseries. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vicepresidents, deans, and other leaders in today’s open-doorinstitutions, New Directions for Community Colleges providesexpert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive andexpanding educational mission.
Spis treści
Katherine L. Hughes and Andrea Venezia
1. Redesigning Arithmetic for Student Success: Supporting Faculty to Teach in New Ways 5
Susan Bickerstaff, Barbara Lontz, Maria Scott Cormier, Di Xu
This chapter describes a promising new approach to teachingdevelopmental arithmetic and prealgebra, and presents researchfindings that demonstrate how a faculty support network helpedinstructors adopt new teaching strategies and gain confidence inteaching the reformed course.
2. Steps and Missteps: Redesigning, Piloting, and Scaling a Developmental Writing Program 15
Peter Adams, Donna Mc Kusick
This chapter tells a story of course reform, describing in afresh and candid way the steps taken toward change and the resultsachieved. The authors emphasize that instructors need considerablesupport in order to teach differently, as well as underscore theneed to consider scalability of reform even at the pilot stage.
3. The California Acceleration Project: Reforming Developmental Education to Increase Student Completion of College-Level Math and English 27
Katie Hern, with Myra Snell
This chapter describes how the authors are using data andprofessional learning to mobilize change in developmental Englishand mathematics curricula and pedagogy across multiple communitycolleges in
4. Strategies for Integrating Student Supports and Academics41
Mina Dadgar, Thad Nodine, Kathy Reeves Bracco, Andrea Venezia
This chapter defines the integration of academics and studentsupport services and offers examples of models and strategies fromcolleges nationally.
5. Providing Transparent Information to Empower Students’ Decision Making and Develop Institutional Capacity53
Gary Rodwell
This chapter describes the University of Hawaii’s work todevelop an online navigational tool that helps students develop andexecute their educational plans, and assists colleges with ensuringthat they have the capacity to meet students’ needs.
6. Strengthening Program Pathways Through Transformative Change 63
Lenore Rodicio, Susan Mayer, Davis Jenkins
This chapter reports on a major college-wide effort to smoothstudents’ paths as they enter the college, choose a program, and progress to a credential. Leadership, inclusiveness, andcommunication have been central to the success of the effort.
7. State-Level Reforms That Support College-Level Program Changes in North Carolina 73
R. Edward Bowling, Sharon Morrissey, George M. Fouts
This chapter describes the concurrent reforms occurring in North Carolina–both campus-level changes focused on such issues asdeveloping structured programs of study and state-level reformsaimed at
supporting the campus-level efforts.
8. What We’ve Learned About Supporting Faculty, Administrator, and Staff Engagement 87
Alison Kadlec, Isaac Rowlett
This chapter focuses on how colleges can increase faculty, administrator, and staff engagement in reform processes, with themessage that large-scale change is not merely technical work; thereis a powerful human dimension that can make or break a reform.
9. Putting the Pieces Together: Lessons Learned for Future Reforms 99
Andrea Venezia, Katherine L. Hughes
This chapter summarizes the main lessons learned throughout thevolume and highlights common needs with any large-scale reformalong with common strategies.
O autorze
Issue Editors:
Katherine L. Hughes is the executive director of Community College and Higher Education Initiatives at the College Board.
Andrea Venezia is an associate professor of public policy and administration and the executive director of the Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy at California State University, Sacramento.
Series Editor in Chief:
Arthur M. Cohen is professor emeritus at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies.