a) RAJAMANI GANESH received his BE degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1985. Later, he received his MS and Ph D degrees in Wireless Communications from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts (USA) in 1987 and 1991, respectively. He has more than 13 years” work experience in corporate USA where he held many technical management and leadership positions and successfully executed projects of all kinds and sizes. Presently, he works as the Director of Technology Development and Marketing for Qualcomm International with current posting in India. He is actively involved in helping CDMA operators with new technology roadmaps, network performance engineering and deployment of key product offerings. Before joining Qualcomm, he was the Chief Engineer in a mobile-Location based services start-up, which he helped found in the Boston area. Previous to that, he was a Senior Scientist in Verizon Technology Organization (USA) for about 7 years, working on CDMA Network planning, deployments and optimization with special emphasis on capacity enhancement coupled with infrastructure-cost minimization. Earlier, from 1991 to 1995, he was with Sarnoff Corporation in Princeton, New Jersey (USA), working on HDTV transmission and packet CDMA systems. Dr. Ganesh has published dozens of technical papers in many journals and conferences and has received many awards including the prestigious WARNER award, Verizon/GTE’s highest award for outstanding technical achievement. He has 15 patents (7 pending) in wireless network planning and optimization issues, mobile Location determination systems & Bluetooth networks. He has contributed to chapters in books and has also edited 2 books on wireless communications: „Wireless Multemedia Network Technologies” and „Wireless Network Deployments”. He has been the Technical Program Co-Chairman for the last two International IEEE conferences, held in India, on Personal Wireless Communications. He is also active, in thetechnical program and organizing committees of various other conferences worldwide.
b) Sastri Kota received his Ph.D from Univ. of Oulu, Finland and is a senior scientist with Harris Corp. He held technical and management positions with Loral, Lockheed Martin, SRI Int’l, Ford Aerospace, The MITRE and XEROX corp. Widely published and principal author of book on Broadband satellite Communications for Internet Access and contributed book chapters. Very active in standards organizations. Senior member of IEEE, Associate Fellow of AIAA and member ACM.
c) Kaveh Pahlavan, is a Professor of ECE, a Professor of CS, and Director of the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. He is also a visiting Professor of Telecommunication Laboratory and CWC, University of Oulu, Finland. His area of research is location aware broadband wireless indoor networks. He has contributed to numerous seminal technical publications in this field. He is the principal author of the Wireless Information Networks (with Allen Levesque), John Wiley and Sons, 1995 and Principles of Wireless Networks – A Unified Approach (with P. Krishnamurthy), Prentice Hall, 2002. He has been a consultant to a number of companies. Before joining WPI, he was the director of advanced development at Infinite Inc., Andover, Mass. working on data communications. He started his career as an assistant Professor at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Wireless Information Networks. He was the founder, the program chairman and organizer of the IEEE Wireless LAN Workshop, Worcester, in 1991 and 1996 and the organizer and technical program chairman of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Boston, MA, 1992 and 1998. For his contributions to the wireless networks he was the Westin Hadden Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at WPI during 1993-1996, was elected as a fellow of the IEEE in 1996 and become a fellow of Nokia in 1999. From May of December of 2000 he was the first Fulbright-Nokia scholar at the University of Oulu, Finland.
d) Ramon Agustí, (M”78) received this Ph D in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain, in 1978 and he became Full Professor in 1987. For the last fifteen years, has been mainly concerned with the mobile communication systems. He participated in the European programs COST 231 and COST 259 as Spanish representative delegate as well as in the RACE, ACTS and IST European research programs. In this time he has also been advisor of Spanish and Catalonian Governmental Agencies on issues concerning radio and mobile communications. His actual research interest includes Radio Networks, Wireless Access Protocols, Radio Resources Management and Qo S.
13 Ebooki wg Kaveh Pahlavan
Rajamani Ganesh & Sastri L. Kota: Emerging Location Aware Broadband Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Emerging Location Aware Broadband Wireless Ad Hoc Networks is a compilation of new material on wireless networking and technology addressing several technical challenges in the field. The contributio …
Kaveh Pahlavan & Prashant Krishnamurthy: Networking Fundamentals
Focusing on the physical layer, Networking Fundamentals provides essential information on networking technologies that are used in both wired and wireless networks designed for local area networks (L …
Kaveh Pahlavan & Allen H. Levesque: Wireless Information Networks
Towards location aware mobile ad hoc sensors A Systems Engineering Approach to Wireless Information Networks The Second Edition of this internationally respected textbook brings readers fully up to d …
Kaveh Pahlavan & Prashant Krishnamurthy: Principles of Wireless Access and Localization
A comprehensive, encompassing and accessible text examining a wide range of key Wireless Networking and Localization technologies This book provides a unified treatment of issues related to all wirel …
Kaveh Pahlavan & Prashant Krishnamurthy: Principles of Wireless Access and Localization
A comprehensive, encompassing and accessible text examining a wide range of key Wireless Networking and Localization technologies This book provides a unified treatment of issues related to all wirel …
Rajamani Ganesh & Kaveh Pahlavan: Wireless Multimedia Network Technologies
This book is a collection of invited papers that were presented at the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, September 5-8, 1998, Boston, MA. These p …
Rajamani Ganesh & Kaveh Pahlavan: Wireless Network Deployments
An important aspect of wireless networks is the deployment of their infrastructure. In this book, the Editors have invited a number of experts from industry to write on a variety of topics associated …
Sastri L. Kota & Pentti A. Leppanen: Broadband Satellite Communications for Internet Access
Broadband Satellite Communications for Internet Access is a systems engineering methodology for satellite communication networks. It discusses the implementation of Internet applications that involve …
Pahlavan: Indoor Geolocation Science and Technology
Precise and accurate localization is one of the fundamental scientific and engineering technologies needed for the applications enabling the emergence of the Smart World and the Internet of Things (I …
Kaveh Pahlavan: Indoor Geolocation Science and Technology
Precise and accurate localization is one of the fundamental scientific and engineering technologies needed for the applications enabling the emergence of the Smart World and the Internet of Things (I …
Kaveh Pahlavan: Understanding Communications Networks – for Emerging Cybernetics Applications
Information networking has emerged as a multidisciplinary diversified area of research over the past few decades. From traditional wired telephony to cellular voice telephony and from wired access to …
Kaveh Pahlavan: Indoor Geolocation Science and Technology
Precise and accurate localization is one of the fundamental scientific and engineering technologies needed for the applications enabling the emergence of the Smart World and the Internet of Things (I …
Kaveh Pahlavan: Understanding Communications Networks – for Emerging Cybernetics Applications
Information networking has emerged as a multidisciplinary diversified area of research over the past few decades. From traditional wired telephony to cellular voice telephony and from wired access to …