On July 4, 2009, the region celebrated thirty-six years as a formal Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The analyses contained in this publication in the The Integrationist Series all tend to suggest that CARICOM now, more than ever, needs to transform its experiences over these years into a more structured foundation for maximising the multiplier effects of collective representation, and for leveraging CARICOMs diplomatic efforts and resources in a more coordinated and integrated manner. This imperative is necessitated by the rapidly changing international environment which has far too often impacted negatively on small developing countries, leaving them increasingly vulnerable and marginalized.
O autorze
Professor Sir Kenneth Hall is the former Governor General of Jamaica; former Pro-Vice Chancellor and Principal Mona Campus, University of the West Indies (UWI); Chancellor of the University College of the Caribbean and Honorary Distinguished Research Fellow, UWI, Mona, Jamaica.
Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang is the former Director of the UWI-CARICOM Institutional Relations Project and currently Managing Director and Editor of The Integrationist.