Autor: Kim Beswick

Merrilyn Goos is Professor of STEM Education at the University of Limerick, Ireland, and Director of the university’s Centre for STEM Education (EPI*STEM). Previously she was Professor and Head of the School of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia, and Professor of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University, UK. Goos has substantial experience and expertise herself as a mathematics teacher educator, having designed, coordinated and taught secondary mathematics methods courses for ten years. In 2003 the quality of her work as an MTE was recognised by a University of Queensland Award for Excellence in Teaching, and in 2004 she gained national recognition by winning an Australian Award for University Teaching. She is also the lead author of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics, a research-based textbook for pre-service mathematics teacher education. Since its publication in 2007 it has been widely adopted in universities in Australia and New Zealand. She has also published articles in most of the major mathematics education journals (e.g.,  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Educational Studies in Mathematics, ZDM, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Mathematics Education Research Journal, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, For the Learning of Mathematics) and her body of published work has more than 5700 citations. Kim Beswick is a Professor of Mathematics Education and Head of the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. A Research Award from the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) recognised her research nationally in 2014. As an MTE for 15 years at the University of Tasmania, Beswick’s expertise was recognised by two University Awards Teaching Excellence (2006, 2011). She received an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2008) and was the leader of a mathematics education team that received an Australian Award for Teaching Excellence (2012). Beswick is active in national mathematics education agendas, contributing to and leading work related to curriculum, teacher education policy development and implementation, and conference organisation. She is an author of Teaching mathematics: Foundations to Middle Years, a widely adopted text for preservice teachers in Australia that has also been adapted for use in South Africa. She has published articles in many of the major mathematics education journals (e.g.,  Educational Studies in Mathematics,  ZDM, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Mathematics Education Research Journal, Journal of Mathematical Behavior) and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 

2 Ebooki wg Kim Beswick

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Merrilyn Goos & Kim Beswick: The Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators
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