KJELL ERIKSSON is the author of the internationally acclaimed The Princess of Burundi which won the Swedish Crime Academy Award for Best Crime Novel. He lives in Sweden.
18 Ebooki wg Kjell Eriksson
Kjell Eriksson: The Demon of Dakar
Uppsala, Sweden. A naked man is unearthed from a river with a lacerated neck and the only clue to his identity is the remains of a tattoo that has been sliced off his arm. When a local drugs deal goe …
Kjell Eriksson: The Cruel Stars of the Night
When retired scholar Ulrik Hindersten disappears without a trace and the bludgeoned corpses of two local farmers are unearthed within days of each other, tremors begin to reverberate through the loca …
Kjell Eriksson: Black Lies, Red Blood
Uppsala, Sweden. Inspector Ann Lindell has little time to enjoy her new relationship with journalist Anders Brant before he leaves on an assignment, and she is called upon to investigate the disappea …
Kjell Eriksson: Open Grave
Professor Bertram von Ohler has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. This news causes problems in his otherwise quiet upper-class neighbourhood in Uppsala, Sweden, as not everybody is happy wit …
Kjell Eriksson: Stone Coffin
A bright June morning. A mother and daughter are run over and killed on the road to Uppsala. Was it an accident or deliberate attack? That same morning the deceased woman's husband also disappea …
Kjell Eriksson: The Princess of Burundi
Libro, Sweden. A mutilated body is found lying in the snow. Husband, father and reformed trouble-maker John Jonsson leaves behind a devastated family and friends to struggle on without him. Who would …
Kjell Eriksson: The Hand That Trembles
A Swedish county commissioner walks out of a high-level meeting and disappears. Many years later, one of the town's natives is convinced that he's caught a glimpse of the missing man while …
Kjell Eriksson: Offenes Grab
Mit dem beschaulichen Leben in dem Villenviertel von Uppsala ist es vorbei, als dem scheuen Medizinprofessor Bertram von Ohler der Nobelpreis verliehen wird. Besonders sein Nachbar und ehemaliger Kol …
Kjell Eriksson: Die Nacht des Feuers
Brandherd Schweden. Eigentlich hat Ann Lindell ihren Job bei der Polizei an den Nagel gehängt, doch als in ihrem vermeintlich beschaulichen neuen Zuhause in Uppland das alte Schulhaus brennt u …
Kjell Eriksson: Die Totenuhr
Tod in der Förde. Ann Lindell will ein paar unbeschwerte Tage auf Gräsö verbringen, nur eins lässt ihr keine Ruhe: Cecilia Karlsson gilt seit vier Jahren als vermisst, doch jetzt ist sie angeblich zu …