Pharmacy Technician Certification Quick-Study Guide, 4th edition, has been completely revised, reorganized, and updated to reflect the revised PTCE blueprint. This revised edition covers every subject area on the exam and provides more than 200 multiple choice practice test questions presented in the same format as the PTCE questions.
Also included are nearly 250 pharmacy calculations questions with complete step-by-step answers given in the answer key. Every chapter has been completely updated, nine new chapters have been added, including new information on commonly used medications and herbal products, laws and regulations affecting pharmacy technicians, sterile and nonsterile compounding, third-party billing systems, patient safety, pharmacy quality assurance, and inventory management.
O autorze
William A. Hopkins Jr., Pharm D, is president of Clinical Pharmacy Consultants of North Georgia in Big Canoe, Georgia. He is the author of Complete Math Review for the Pharmacy Technician, another title in the APh A Pharmacy Technician Training Series.