Autor: Ladislav Valach

Richard A. Young, Ph.D., is Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He is a Fellow of the American and Canadian Psychological Associations, a Registered Psychologist in British Columbia, and President of Division 16 (Counselling Psychology) of the International Association of Applied Psychology. He is a founding member of the Aeschi Group on Meeting the Suicidal Person. His current interests include the application of action theory and the qualitative action-project method to a variety of research topics, including the transition to adulthood, families, career development, health, and suicide. Sheila K. Marshall is an Associate Professor of Family Studies at the University of British Columbia. Her research investigates adolescent-parent interactions and the transfer and uptake of rights and responsibilities during the transition to adulthood. She is particularly interested in the management of information between adolescents and parents and how it, in turn, influences actions such as identity construction and resource sharing. Ladislav Valach is Oberassistant at the Institute of Psychology, Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention, University Zurich and a private practitioner. He is a founding member of the Aeschi Group on Meeting the Suicidal Person. His current interests include questions on organization and flow of actions, projects and long-term processes such as career, health, suicide, work, and life enhancement. Together with his colleagues he deals with practical, theoretical and methodological issues in his writing, teaching, discussing, counseling and psychotherapy.

6 Ebooki wg Ladislav Valach

Richard A. Young & Sheila K. Marshall: Transition to Adulthood
The transition to adulthood involves, for most individuals, moving from school to work, establishment of long-term relationships, possibly parenting, and a number of other psychosocial transformation …
Richard A. Young & José F. Domene: Counseling and Action
Engaging in action is at the heart of our most meaningful experiences. And given the fast-paced, goal-driven nature of modern society, engagement in action is also central to how we perceive ourselve …
Valach Ladislav Valach & Lynam M. Judith Lynam: Action Theory
The authors describe a view that our short-, medium-, and long- term behavior, interactions, and relationships-whether planned or spontaneous, purposeful or playful-can be understood in terms of goal …
Urs Kalbermatten & Ladislav Valach: Psychologische Handlungstheorie in angewandter Forschung und Praxis
Urs Kalbermatten und Ladislav Valach übertragen Handlungstheorie erfolgreich auf angewandte Forschung und verschiedene Praxisfelder in Gerontologie, Paarbeziehungen im Alter, Lebensübergänge, Be …
Ladislav Valach & Annette Reissfelder: Fallbuch Suizid und Suizidprävention
Eine junge Frau wird von ihrem Freund verlassen, ein älterer Mann wird pensioniert und fühlt sich wertlos und einsam, ein junger Mann erfährt, dass seine Frau eine außereheliche Beziehung pflegt. Sie …
Ladislav Valach & Annette Reissfelder: Casebook Suicide and Suicide Prevention
A young woman is abandoned by her boyfriend, an older man retires and feels worthless and lonely, a young man learns that his wife is having an extramarital affair. They all see suicide as the only s …