About the Author SEE THE WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF A CREATIVE GENIUS:Sharon Esther Lampert has the #1 Poetry Website for Student Projects and Teacher Lesson Plans. NYC Mayor Edward Koch presented Sharon with the „100 Year Scholarship Award.” NYU honored Sharon with a „Multi-Interdisciplinary Award.” A secondary honor, Sharon Esther Lampert represented her class at her NYU Gallatin graduation. Sharon earned 3 NYU degrees. Sharon won an „Empire State Math and Science Scholarship Award.” Sharon co-authored a scientific paper at Rockefeller University. Sharon won an „Aish Hatorah Jerusalem Fellowship Award.” Sharonwon First Prize at the Upper East Side newspaper writing contest, NYC. Sharon won First Prize at the WAVE newspaper art contest. Her poetry has been published in thousands of online national and international poetry journals. On a global scale, Sharon Esther Lampert”s poetry is used by students for their school projects. Teachers use Sharon Esther Lampert”s poetry for their lesson plans. Sharon Esther Lampert”s magnificent literary contributions to humanity encompass poetry, philosophy, prophecy, and education. Sharon Esther Lampert is also world famous for her ability to conceptualize philosophical ideas using one letter of the alphabet: THE AWESOME ART OF ALLITERATION USING ONE LETTER OF THE ALPHABET. In education, Sharon Esther Lampert pioneered the SMARTGRADES success strategy study skills. Her book, „The Silent Crisis Destroying America”s Brightest Minds” was chosen as BOOK OF THE MONTH” by the Alma Public Library in Wisconsin If you are a seeker of truth and wisdom, Sharon Esther Lampert”s books are packed to the brim with light. Expand your consciousness to a new dimension of spiritual transcendence.SEE THE WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF A CREATIVE GENIUSSHARON ESTHER LAMPERTPopular Titles:Prodigy• Unleash the Creator, the God Within: 10 Esoteric Laws of Genius and Creativity Prophet• Who Knew God Was Such a Chatterbox• 22 Commandments: A Universal Moral Compass for All People, for All Religions, and for All Time Philosopher God of What? 11 Esoteric Laws of Inextricability Poet• I STOLE ALL THE WORDS FROM THE DICTIONARY• POETRY JEWELS: Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, and Pearls• VESSEL: Very. Extra. Special. Sharon. Esther. Lampert.• Immortality Is Mine Pioneer•. WIN AT THIN• SILLY LITTLE BOYS: 40 Rules of Manhood for Men of All Ages• SEX ON A PLATE: FOOD AS FOREPLAY: The Cookbook of Everlasting Love• LYMTY: Love You More Than Yesterday – 14 Relationship Strategies for Happily Ever After• YOUR WISH IS MY COMMANDMENT• Buried Alive in a Florida Condo: How Not to Wake-Up, Watch TV and Wait to Die Paladin of Education• SMARTGRADES BRAIN POWER REVOLUTION• THE SILENT CRISIS DESTROYING AMERICA”S BRIGHTEST MINDS• EVERY DAY AN EASY A• TOTAL RECALL: ACE EVERY TEST EVERY TIME• YOUR STUDY ROOM IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT•. Writers Run The World: 10 Secrets for Spinning Good Ideas into Great Ideas• SCHMALTZY, In America, Even A Cat Can Have A Dream (Ages 8-12)The Awesome Art of Alliteration Using One Letter of the Alphabet• CUPID: The Love Languages in Letter C• The Secret Sauce of Book Sales – Letter P• Temporary Insanity- Letter S• DESTINY – Letter D• POWER – Letter P• THERAPY – Letter T

5 Ebooki wg LAMPERT

Lampert: Put Me Down as President of Your Fan Club
SEE THE WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF A CREATIVE GENIUS SHARON ESTHER LAMPERT P rodigy, Prophet, P oet, P hilosopher, P oet, P aladin of Education, P eacemaker, and P rincess Sharon Esther Lampert Is Lis …