Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno, two of the most influential political philosophers and theorists of the twentieth century, were contemporaries with similar interests, backgrounds, and a shared experience of exile. Yet until now, no book has brought them together. In this first comparative study of their work, leading scholars discuss divergences, disclose surprising affinities, and find common ground between the two thinkers. This pioneering work recovers the relevance of Arendt and Adorno for contemporary political theory and philosophy and lays the foundation for a critical understanding of political modernity: from universalistic claims for political freedom to the abyss of genocidal politics.
O autorze
Lars Rensmann is DAAD Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He is the author of
The Frankfurt School and Antisemitism: Politics, Theory, and Philosophy (forthcoming) and, with Andrei S. Markovits,
Gaming the World: How Sports are Reshaping Global Politics and Culture (2010). Samir Gandesha is Associate Professor of Modern European Thought and Culture and Director of the Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University.