War and Peace is an epic novel by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy that describes the Russian society during the era of wars against Napoleon in 1805–1812.
The main topic of the novel is historic destiny of Russian people in the Patriotic War in 1812. There are more than 550 characters in the novel, both fictional and historical. Tolstoy depicts the best his heroes with their whole heart-warming complexity, unstoppable searches for truth and desire for self-improvement. Like these are Andrei, Pierre, Natasha and Princess Maria. The negative heroes lack soul development, dynamics and movement (e.g. Helene and Anatole).
The main idea of the novel, as Tolstoy says himself, is 'idea of the people’. In Tolstoy’s understanding, people are the main motive power of the history, carrier of the best human qualities. Main heroes travel their distance to people (Pierre in the Battle of Borodino, Bolkonsky was named 'our Prince’ by soldiers). Tolstoy’s nonpareil is shown in the character of Platon Karataev. Natasha Rostova is an ideal of feminine beauty. Kutuzov and Napoleon are moral poles of the novel: 'There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, kindness or truth.’ 'What is needed for happiness? Calm family life… with a possibility to be good to people.’ (L.N.Tolstoy)
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