Autor: Leslie Sklair

Martin Bohle, an associated fellow of the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies (Erfurt, Germany), retired from the European Commission”s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in 2019. He graduated as a Physical Oceanographer (University Kiel, Germany) in 1980 and obtained a Docteur ès Sciences at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (Switzerland). In cooperation with the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (Rome, Italy), he publishes on societal attributes of the Earth Sciences. Boris Holzer is Professor of General Sociology and Macrosociology at the University of Konstanz. He received his Ph D from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His current research focuses on political and economic sociology, social networks and world society. Recent book publications include From Globalization to World Society (ed. with F. Kastner and T. Werron, Routledge 2015), Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung (ed. with Ch. Stegbauer, Springer VS 2019) and Politische Soziologie (2nd ed., Nomos 2020). Leslie Sklair is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics. His work has been translated into more than 10 languages. He is the President of the Global Studies Association (UK). He has published extensively on the Anthropocene, including his edited volume, The Anthropocene in Global Media: Neutralizing the Risk (Routledge, 2021), the first book to analyse media coverage of the Anthropocene. In 2016 the Czech Academy of Sciences awarded him the František Palacký Medal for his contribution to Historical Sciences. Fabienne Will is an environmental historian and historian of science. She is currently a Post Doc at the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology at the Deutsches Museum Munich. She received her Ph D in 2020 from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich. Her current research focuses on the Anthropocene, the history of knowledge production, and wicked problems such as planetary health.

14 Ebooki wg Leslie Sklair

Leslie Sklair: Icon Project
In the last quarter century, a new form of iconic architecture has appeared throughout the world’s major cities. Typically designed by globe-trotting "starchitects" or by a few large transn …
Leslie Sklair: Icon Project
In the last quarter century, a new form of iconic architecture has appeared throughout the world’s major cities. Typically designed by globe-trotting "starchitects" or by a few large transn …
Leslie Sklair: Sociology of Progress
Dr. Leslie Sklair is a Reader in Sociology at LSE. His thesis, Sociology of Progress, was published by Routledge in 1970. …
Leslie Sklair: Capitalism and Development
This collection draws together a distinguished group of authors to explore how capitalism contributes to the development and underdevelopment of the Third World. It provides a superb overview of key …
Leslie Sklair: The Sociology of Progress
First published in 2002. Dr. Leslie Sklair is a Reader in Sociology at LSE. He took his BA (hons) in Sociology and Philosophy from Leeds University and his MA in Sociology from Mc Master University i …
Leslie Sklair: The Sociology of Progress
First published in 2002. Dr. Leslie Sklair is a Reader in Sociology at LSE. He took his BA (hons) in Sociology and Philosophy from Leeds University and his MA in Sociology from Mc Master University i …
Leslie Sklair: Capitalism and Development
This collection draws together a distinguished group of authors to explore how capitalism contributes to the development and underdevelopment of the Third World. It provides a superb overview of key …
Leslie Sklair: Capitalism and Development
This collection draws together a distinguished group of authors to explore how capitalism contributes to the development and underdevelopment of the Third World. It provides a superb overview of key …
Leslie Sklair: Assembling for Development
First published in 1989, this book focuses upon the phenomenon of export-led industrialisation fuelled by foreign investment and technology. He concentrates on Mexico, where US companies have been ta …
Leslie Sklair: Assembling for Development
First published in 1989, this book focuses upon the phenomenon of export-led industrialisation fuelled by foreign investment and technology. He concentrates on Mexico, where US companies have been ta …
Leslie Sklair: The Anthropocene in Global Media
This book offers the first systematic study of how the ‘Anthropocene’ is reported in mass media globally, drawing parallels between the use (or misuse) of the term and the media’s attitude towards th …
Leslie Sklair: The Anthropocene in Global Media
This book offers the first systematic study of how the ‘Anthropocene’ is reported in mass media globally, drawing parallels between the use (or misuse) of the term and the media’s attitude towards th …
Leslie Sklair: Second Thoughts on Capitalism and the State
This collection of essays highlights the need for sociological and political analysis of actual alternatives to capitalism and the existing system of so-called nation states. It challenges the conven …
Martin Bohle & Boris Holzer: The Anthropocene Working Group and the Global Debate Around a New Geological Epoch
This book examines the role of the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) in public and scholarly discussions of the meaning of the Anthropocene proposal. The status of the Anthropocene, both as a geoscien …