S kills,
E xperimentation,
E valuation and
D iscovery:SEED — an original approach to empower beginners and established creators toclearly understand the nature of the creative process.
The Creative SEED is the perfect guidebook for anyone who has aninterest in exploring some form of creative expression. Even if you think youdon’t have an ounce of creative flair, you can discover and nurture a new, exciting dimension in your life. Whether you are already involved in som...
S kills,
E xperimentation,
E valuation and
D iscovery:SEED — an original approach to empower beginners and established creators toclearly understand the nature of the creative process.
The Creative SEED is the perfect guidebook for anyone who has aninterest in exploring some form of creative expression. Even if you think youdon’t have an ounce of creative flair, you can discover and nurture a new, exciting dimension in your life. Whether you are already involved in some formof creative expression, a raw beginner or well established, this book providesa host of strategies to keep you inspired and on track in living your creativedream. Divided into two parts, it will help you identify creative interest andchallenge common myths of creativity with stimulating exercises to help you discoveryour creative strengths before moving on to address the common difficultiespeople experience — such as anxiety, low self-confidence and procrastination — thatmay hinder creative outlets. The skills and strategies described and encouragedin the book are all based on sound, well-researched psychological principlesthat are easily transferable to all parts of your life. Chapters also providecase histories, questions and exercises to assist you in gaining self-awarenessand practical skills to be active and successful in your creative expression.