Autor: Linda Barrasse

For this first-time author, who was raised in an Italian American home, food was always a focal point. As Linda raised her own children, food yet again played an important part in day-to-day life. Dinner was the time that her family connected. It was not just about the “eating.” It was about the preparation, the smells, the discussions, and most importantly, the love. Linda, along with “her friends”, have been cooking for one hundred dinners. These, however, are no ordinary dinners. They are dinners to soothe the souls after losing her son, Cody, in April of 2013. Her “friends” are just as integral to this book as she is. Her hope is that along with experiencing fun and excellent recipes, that her readers will understand how tragedy will never trump love. So much so, that in this case, food was the catalyst for the development of a magnificent chemical reaction that resulted in the Cody Barrasse Memorial Foundation. This group has decided to make something beautiful out of something tragic. Hopefully, their lives are filled with more meaning. Hopefully, the sting of their loss hurts a bit less. And hopefully, their bellies and souls have been filled with comforting food and love. 6/23/2021: For this first-time author, who was raised in an Italian American home, food was always a focal point. As Linda raised her own children, food yet again played an important part in day-to-day life. Dinner was the time when her family connected. It was not just about the eating. It was about the preparation, the smells, the discussions, and, most importantly, the love. Linda, along with her friends, have been cooking for one hundred dinners. These, however, are no ordinary dinners. They are dinners to soothe their souls after losing her son Cody in April 2013. Her friends are just as integral to this book as she is. Her hope is that along with experiencing fun and excellent recipes, her readers will understand how tragedy will never trump love. In this case, food was love’s catalyst that resulted in The Cody Barrasse Memorial Foundation. This group has decided to make something beautiful out of something tragic. Hopefully, their lives are filled with more meaning. Hopefully, the sting of their loss hurts a bit less. And hopefully, their bellies and souls have been filled with comforting food and love.

1 Ebooki wg Linda Barrasse

Linda Barrasse: Seven on the 7Th… 100 Dinners Honoring Cody
Cody Jude Barrasse died at 22 years old on April 7, 2013 after being hit by a car as a pedestrian. “7 on the 7th” describes the journey of his friends and family who were determined to keep his Spiri …