For the decade before The Time Machine became a best-seller, H. G. Wells was a bright, lower-middle class youth trying to overcome familial pressure to become a shop clerk. His love for books and knowledge led to an ambition to become a science teacher, and a participant in the scientific debates of the late 19th century. In the wake of Darwinian theories, scientific study had changed, but science education had remained behind. Wells’s writings as a young man reveal th...
Spis treści
Student and schoolmaster (1886-1890)
Tutor and scholar (1891-1893)
Critic and pedagogue (1893-1894)
A Man of Science (1895-1897)
O autorze
Lisa M. Lane is a historian and author of works on H. G. Wells and distance education. Her work has appeared in educational journals and The Wellsian. She also writes lite...